Kenilworth Ladies Circle 665
A member of the National Association of Ladies Circles of Great Britain & Ireland

About Kenilworth Ladies Circle

Celebrating 80 years in 2016, Ladies Circle has come a long way from its inception as a club for the wives of Round Tablers. Now open to all women at 18 to 45, Ladies Circle is open, inclusive and more than ready to welcome a new generation of modern women through its doors. Circlers first join us because they want to make new friends, have fun, do things they’ve never done before, and put something back into the community at the same time. Whether you’re new to your area, or are just looking to broaden your social life, Ladies Circle is a perfect way of getting more out of life.

Kenilworth Ladies Circle is a group of around twenty friendly local women who organise social, fun events every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. Whilst the majority of our members live in Kenilworth, we also have members who live in Leamington, Coventry and Warwick, for example.

We regularly get together with Kenilworth Round Table on a social basis as well as joining forces for major events such as the annual bonfire at the castle and the Christmas Santa float.

Kenilworth is one of the largest circles in our Area group (which includes Shirley, Bromsgrove, Moseley, Redditch and Tamworth) so it means we can have some fun and varied events. As a member, you will get to try lots of activities you would never normally have done!

We also support one or two charities every year and raise money for these. This year we are supporting Warwickshire Wildlife Trust.

Interested in joining ?

Ladies Circle today attracts a wide range of women from all walks of life, united by a desire to have some fun and grow friendships.

If you live in the Kenilworth area and are 18-45, then we'd love to hear from you.

Just get in touch via our contact us page (or an existing Circler if you know one) and we can arrange for you to come along to some of our events to see what it's like. We are very relaxed, and don't have any attendance rules or similar – its really up to you to join in on your own terms and at your own pace.

Quotes from our members

We would like to try and dispel some of the typical myths around Ladies Circle. Such as, you have to be a wife of a Round Tabler to join, it's old fashioned and it's a social clique.

  • What has Circle provided you with?
    • Circle has provided me with nights out to look forward to, new experiences and a sense of doing something other than work and children. Plus, it's good to give something back to the community. Rachel Turner
  • What made you first join Ladies Circle?
    • I was new to the area in Oct 2006. I didn’t know anyone and wanted to do something for me. Melissa Atkins
  • How easy is it to fit Ladies Circle into your life?
    • Very easy, you can do as much or as little as you like. Tracy Wasley
  • What do you enjoy most about Ladies Circle?
    • I enjoy doing something for myself, that's not related to my children. I've made some great friends, done some interesting things and it's nice to feel you are also doing something worthwhile for the community through fundraising etc. Beth Squires
  • What have you done with Circle that you wouldn't have done before?
    • Abseiling down the De Montfort Hotel (now the Holiday Inn) for charity was quite memorable, especially as Roz Meads and I were in such a rush to get down we forgot to pick up our harnesses as we left the lift! Deb Tyrer (Tangent)
  • How did going to the first event make you feel?
    • I was nervous at first, it's quite daunting turning up to something when everyone knows each other but the members are so friendly and everyone has been the new girl at one point so we all make an extra effort to welcome new members and make them feel at home. It's quite a big group so it takes a while to meet everyone and feel part of it but all it takes it a "community event" like Bonfire or Santa Float and you soon feel part of the gang. Emma Cann

Read more about the Top 10 Myths surrounding Ladies Circle on the national website.

Annual Bonfire & Fireworks Gala at Kenilworth Castle

We support Round Table Kenilworth Fireworks display at Kenilworth Castle which is our main fundraiser of the year.

This event has grown over many years to its current position as the premier firework display in the region, attracting people to Kenilworth from all over the county. Not only is this great for promoting the town, it also allows Round Table & us to raise money for a wide range of local causes.

The main display lasts for around half an hour and is set against the wonderful panorama of the Castle, which is floodlit in a mass of colour for the evening.

As well as the entertainment there is a range of food and warming drinks available across the field from a number of tents and stalls. Some years we also put on our own stall selling hot chocolate & biscuits!

Our other responsibilities include helping with ticket sales/collection, selling light-sticks on the night and feeding the hard working Tablers during the set-up and clean-up of the display.

Santa Float

Santa's sleigh visits every road in Kenilworth and Leek Wootton over a three week period in December.

First and foremost it's simply a bit of fun and designed to bring some early Christmas cheer. And it's not only popular with the kids either - there are some rather "big kids" out there who seem to enjoy it just as much !

And what's more, we are also able to raise money for charity. All of this goes to very worthwhile causes.

Old Folks Party

With the money collected on Santa float nights, we help with the Old Folks party for the elderly in Kenilworth at the beginning of March every year.

The Round Table guys pick them up, we serve them all a 3 course dinner and put on a show for them. Some of us waitress and others go on stage. They love it – for some of them it is a really big deal as they don’t get out very much. It’s so nice to give something back to the community.

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